Results for 'Juana Remedios Gonzáles'

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  1. Rouse on the Legitimation of Scientific Knowledge/F. Remedios.Remedios F. Fuller - 2003 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 33 (4):444-463.
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  2. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz: Feminist Reconstruction of Biography and Text.Sor Juana - unknown
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  3. Fuller and Mirowski on the Commercialization of Scientific Knowledge Francis Remedios.Francis Remedios - 2009 - In Jeroen Van Bouwel (ed.), The Social Sciences and Democracy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 229.
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    Legitimizing Scientific Knowledge: An Introduction to Steve Fuller's Social Epistemology.Francis Remedios - 2003 - Latham, MD: Lexington Books.
    Francis Remedios provides important criticisms of Fuller's position and Fuller's responses to philosophical debates, as well as reconstructions of Fuller's arguments. The result is a carefully argued, in-depth analysis of the work of a very important philosopher of science."--Jacket.
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    Response to Lynch: Fuller Transformed—Back to the USSR.Francis Remedios & Val Dusek - 2018 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48 (5):524-529.
    Remedios’s and Dusek’s response to Lynch’s review is that Lynch misreads Fuller on knowledge and misdirects his criticism of Fuller’s turn to agency.
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  6. Dreams and realities: selected fiction of Juana Manuela Gorriti.Juana Manuela Gorriti, Francine Masiello & Sergio Waisman - 2003
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    Cartas de Alain Guy a María Zambrano en el exilio.Juana Sánchez-Gey Venegas - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):1391-1403.
    Tenemos la oportunidad de dar a conocer algunas de las cartas que Alain Guy dirige a María Zambrano en el exilio, las primeras se las envía a Roma y las últimas que vamos a comentar el profesor le escribe a su casa cerca del monte Jura. En este artículo damos noticias de algunas de sus cartas, hasta ahora inéditas.
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  8. Información, subjetividad y producción cultural.Juana Ramírez Castro - 2006 - Aposta 28:2.
    Este ensayo reflexiona sobre el tipo de política cultural que una sociedad necesita. Defiende la idea de que la producción cultural, desde la subjetividad, es esencial para la diversidad. Analiza la importancia central de una política pública sobre la cultura, en la cual destaca el derecho a la información. Tras el discurso teórico, se examina la política pública de información en Colombia, donde se ponen de manifiesto unas estrategias que van en contra de la pluralidad y de una producción cultural (...)
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  9. "Una forma divina de pensar": Nietzsche y el problema de la nada.Remedios Avila Crespo - 2006 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 19:65-84.
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    Ideały moralne edukacji azteckiej.Irena Curyło-Gonzáles - 1988 - Etyka 24:105-122.
    The article is a continuation of a paper published in “Etyka”, vol. 21, Concepts of Man in the Náhuatlan Culture and contains an overview of the fundamental types of education provided by the Aztecs, with special emphasis on moral ideals. The investigation of Indian education not only furthers historical knowledge but also plays a role in the search of the origins of the specific religious, moral and behavioural expression of contemporary Mexico, due to the fact that some elements of the (...)
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  11. Nowe argentyńskie czasopismo etyczne „Cuadernos de etica”.Irena Curyło-Gonzales - 1990 - Etyka 25.
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  12. La soteriología contemporánea.Olegario Gonzáles de Cardenal - 1989 - Salmanticensis 36:56-74.
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    Relación metafísica de finito E Infinito en nicolás de cusa.Angel Luis Gonzáles - 2012 - Giornale di Metafisica 1.
    In this paper is studied the relationship between finite and infinite, creator and creature, in the metaphysics of Nicolaus of Cues; with this aim, the Cusano texts dealing with the transcendence of the Absolute´s infinity are highlighted, as well as the texts dealing with the inmanence of the finite in the Infinite. On the other hand, the relations of inmanence and transcendence, of finite and infinite, are made explicite through three kinds of affirmations or metaphores of Cusa: a) The Absolute (...)
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    Fuller and Mirowski on the Commercialization of Scientific Knowledge.Francis Remedios - 2009 - In Jeroen Van Bouwel (ed.), The Social Sciences and Democracy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 229.
    As a problem for science studies, the commercialization of scientific knowledge is characterized as whether scientific knowledge is a public good, like health care and education, or a positional good, a good whose value allows for exclusion to clients, the opposite of a public good (Callon 1994; Mirowski and Sent 2007). Mirowski and Sent (2007) have highlighted the problem of the commercialization and privatization of scientific knowledge. Furthermore, Mirowski (2009) avers that the commercialization of scientific knowledge is the apotheosis of (...)
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    María Zambrano: La filosofía de los años 40.Juana Sánchez-Gey Venegas - 1997 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 24:209-219.
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    La inmigración en España y mercado de trabajo.Remedios Martínez Verdú - 2007 - Aposta 32:2.
    La migración internacional es parte de la globalización, todos los países desarrollados han recibido un gran número de inmigrantes. España también ha recibido a alta cantidad de nómadas. La población española era emigrante y ahora ella tiene que hacer frente a este nuevo fenómeno, las sociedades desarrolladas van a tener que adaptarse a las grandes afluencias de extranjeros. La migración ha sido a menudo una fuente de tensiones entre culturas e incluso entre movimientos racistas y xenófobos. Un problema político fundamental (...)
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    On the Possibility of Realist Dialetheism.Luis Estrada-Gonzáles - 2014 - SATS 15 (2):197-217.
    Realist dialetheism is the view that there are contradictions in reality. One argument against this idea says that it is impossible because it has to make room for the possibility of a trivial reality, which is metaphysically impossible. Another argument against it says that the metaphysical structure of reality is such that it is impossible to have contradictions in it. I argue here that both arguments fail to establish the impossibility of realist dialetheism because they are based on a misconception (...)
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    Knowing Humanity in the Social World: The Path of Steve Fuller’s Social Epistemology.Francis X. Remedios & Val Dusek - 2018 - London, UK: Palgrave. Edited by Val Dusek.
    This book examines Fuller’s pioneering vision of social epistemology. It focuses specifically on his work post-2000, which is founded in the changing conception of humanity and project into a ‘post-‘ or ‘trans-‘ human future. Chapters treat especially Fuller’s provocative response to the changing boundary conditions of the knower due to anticipated changes in humanity coming from the nanosciences, neuroscience, synthetic biology and computer technology and end on an interview with Fuller himself. While Fuller’s turn in this direction has invited at (...)
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    Koncepcje człowieka w kulturze Nahuatl.Irena Curyło-Gonzáles - 1984 - Etyka 21:131-149.
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    Neoliberalism and STS in Japan: Critical Perspectives.Francis Remedios - 2013 - Social Epistemology 27 (2):123 - 124.
    Neoliberalism advocates for the construction of free markets, which are to be used for solutions to economic and social problems rather than state solutions to those problems. Though Neoliberal reforms in Japan have affected its science and technology, STS literature has not focused on responses to neoliberalism through the lens of a country. Japan has a discrete STS history and Japan makes a good case study to the influence of neoliberalism on STS. In August 2010, at Tokyo’s Social Studies of (...)
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  21.  9
    La grieta. Anotaciones a la reflexión sobre Sófocles de Mariano Álvarez Gómez.Remedios Ávila - 2021 - Studia Hegeliana 4:83-99.
    El siguiente trabajo, dedicado a la memoria del profesor Mariano Álvarez Gómez, se basa en sus trabajos sobre Sófocles y reflexiona sobre la naturaleza del conflicto trágico. En Edipo Rey este conflicto se ilustra mediante la lucha entre realidad y apariencia, entre apariencia y ser, y es tanto más trágico cuanto más se obstina Edipo en conocer su origen. En Antígona, siguiendo la interpretación hegeliana, el conflicto se pone en relación con el concepto griego de phrónesis, a través de los (...)
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  22.  4
    Knowing Humanity in the Social World: A Social Epistemology Collective Vision?Francis Remedios - 2015 - In James H. Collier (ed.), The Future of Social Epistemology: A Collective Vision. New York: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 21-28.
    This articles is about Steve Fuller’s humanity 2.0 and how it relates to a collective vision of social epistemology.
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    Does hearing two dialects at different times help infants learn dialect-specific rules?Kalim Gonzales, LouAnn Gerken & Rebecca L. Gómez - 2015 - Cognition 140 (C):60-71.
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    Teodycea historiozoficzna Augusta Cieszkowskiego.Irena Curyło-Gonzáles - 1978 - Etyka 16:147-161.
    The article discusses a concrete case of historiosophic theodicy, viz. the conception of August Cieszkowski, in order to present the structure of such conceptions and discuss theoretic and practical problems involved in them. The starting point of Cieszkowski’s deliberations on evil is a historical fact. To substantiate for his historiosophic optimism Cleszkowski must find not only the sense of the times in which he was living but must also explain the past, with all its moral evil: social catastrophes, misery, suffering, (...)
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    Teshuwah.Juana Danis - 1990 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 19 (1):159-166.
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    The Relationship Between Psychological Well-Being and Autonomy in Young People According to Age.Ángel De-Juanas, Teresita Bernal Romero & Rosa Goig - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Psychological well-being manifests itself in all aspects of human activity and is essential to understanding whether young people experience life satisfaction and whether, as they mature, well-being can be associated with different levels of personal autonomy. This quantitative study was developed within the framework of international research on young people’s autonomy in the transition to adulthood. Its main objectives were to analyze the relationship between psychological well-being and autonomy and examine potential variations between the two variables according to age. To (...)
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    Against the Post-Marxist Pseudo-Left.Moishe Gonzales - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (69):157-161.
    The main feature of Whitebook's reply is that he does not give an inch and, more convinced than ever, keeps charging the windmills of redemption and revolution with the same lame theoretical weapons he had previously deployed. Only this time, he seeks reinforcements by appealing to the “heavies”: Habermas, Castoriadis and Heller. Since multiplying zero by any figure still yields zero, no substantive progress has been made. It would be futile to reiterate the same objections once again. Rather, to move (...)
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    fear of a wet planet (rhythm I) – the city be the rhythm invisible (rhythm II).Rosendo Gonzales - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru sur le site Fugitive Philosophy. Fleeing the Disciplines fear of a wet planet (rhythm I) Drexciya (descending AfroMer) We should linger here for a long while on rhythm : it is nothing other than the time of time, the vibration of time itself in the stroke of a present that presents it by separating it from itself, freeing it from its simple stanza to make it into scansion (rise, raising of the foot that beats) and (...)
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    Short-Term Adaptation of Joint Position Sense Occurs during and after Sustained Vibration of Antagonistic Muscle Pairs.Tomas I. Gonzales & Daniel J. Goble - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Teleology.Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzales, João de Fernandes Teixeira & Marcos Barbosa de Oliveira - 1983 - Trans/Form/Ação 6:53-60.
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    To “grow” and what “to grow,” that is one question.Juana M. Liceras - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):734-734.
    L2 learners may access UG principles because these are realized in all natural languages. Since this is not the case for the parametrized aspects of language, parameter setting may be progressively replaced by restructuring mechanisms which are specifically related to the process of representational redescription because L2 learners are not sensitive to the [±] features which define parameters.
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  32. El idealismo trascendental de Fichte y la fenomenología trascendental husserliana en una dirección convergente.M. Riobo Gonzales - 1995 - Ciudad de Dios 208 (1):129-180.
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    Francisco Suárez en la vida de su tiempo y en la del nuestro. Editorial.Juana María Gil Ruiz - 2017 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 51:5-6.
    Con la aparición de este número dedicado —como no puede ser de otro modo— a Francisco Suárez, en la vida de su tiempo y en la del nuestro, con motivo del cuarto centenario de su fallecimiento, ACFS inaugura una nueva etapa —la tercera— que pretende, además de aprovechar este homenaje, afrontar los nuevos retos planteados por la sociedad-economía del conocimiento y sus variados indicadores —formales— de medición de calidad. Es cierto que lo que marca la calidad, al menos la científica, (...)
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    Los Desafíos Del Viejo Derecho a la Intimidad En El Contexto de la Sociedad Tecnológica.Juana María Gil Ruiz - 2006 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 40:257-260.
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    Tragedia, historia y libertad: exilio y retorno de María Zambrano.Juana Sánchez-Gey Venegas - 2008 - Escritos 16 (37):451-462.
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    Fuller and Rouse on the Legitimation of Scientific Knowledge.Francis Remedios - 2003 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 33 (4):444-463.
    Fullerand Rouse are both political social epistemologists concerned with the cognitive authority of science, though both disagree on what role it should play in science. Fullerar gues that political factors such as knowledge policy and a constitution play a primary role in the global legitimation of scientific knowledge, while Rouse holds that politics play a role on the local (practices) level but not on the global (metascientific) level of legitimation. While Fullerpr ovides a political response to the legitimation project, Rouse (...)
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    Identidad personal y “ciencia del hombre” en el Tratado de la naturaleza humana de Hume. Una problematización.Marcia Gonzales LLanos - 2017 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 15:11-32.
    The present study aims to point out a possible inconsistency between David Hume’s account of the personal identity problem and the methodology of the philosophical project he sketches in A Treatise of Human Nature, and also to assess Nelson Pike’s defense of the Hume’s position, which is considered by many to have dissolved the problem. It will be argued that this solution turns out to be insufficient since it does not solve the explanatory gap left by the inconsistency. In order (...)
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    Análisis crítico sobre las consecuencias de la legalización de la eutanasia en la sociedad.Juana Patrón Costas Albarracín & Guadalupe Grimaux - 2024 - Persona y Bioética 28 (1):e2813.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar un análisis bioético claro de las consecuencias que tiene la legalización de la eutanasia sobre tres sectores: la sociedad, los enfermos y el personal médico. Para plasmarlo se desarrolla un análisis crítico a partir de un caso reciente de público conocimiento, además de una amplia revisión bibliográfica en torno a la temática. Así, se presenta de manera práctica y cercana el impacto de la legalización de la eutanasia. Se argumenta y concluye que el camino (...)
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    La censura en la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil: una historia interminable.Juana Ruíz Arriaza - 2020 - Voces de la Educación 5 (9):76-89.
    El adulto, como intermediario entre las obras literarias y los niños o jóvenes, ha utilizado unos instrumentos de control con criterios basados en aspectos religiosos, psicológicos, pedagógicos y morales, que han influido en el proceso de creación del autor y en sus publicaciones. Es ineludible la reflexión sobre antiguos mecanismos de censura y los que aún perduran en la actualidad.
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    Sentido y hermenéutica: hacia una ontología inacabada.Remedios Avila Crespo - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1 (2):407-422.
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    System normatywny Majów (Francesca M. Cancian, What are Norms? A Study of Beliefs and Action in Maya Community).Irena Curyło-Gonzales - 1978 - Etyka 16:186-190.
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    Religionspsychologie im Rahmen der Psychosymbolik.Juana Danis - 1992 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 20 (1):134-139.
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    Cómo los procesos del conocimiento llevan al autoengaño, según Jean-Paul Sartre.Juana Zujey González Díaz - 2013 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 3 (6):42-55.
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    La enseñanza de una ética completa.Juana Zujey González Díaz - 2014 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 4 (8):54-62.
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    Decision making with multiple objectives using GAI networks.C. Gonzales, P. Perny & J. Ph Dubus - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (7-8):1153-1179.
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    How bilinguals perceive speech depends on which language they think they’re hearing.Kalim Gonzales, Krista Byers-Heinlein & Andrew J. Lotto - 2019 - Cognition 182 (C):318-330.
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    Ética de la economía, sujeto y derechos humanos.María Arcelia Gonzáles Butrón - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 33.
    La economía como ciencia social, como ciencia para la vida, está siendo interpelada cotidianamente por los efectos de una generalizada lógica de mercado totalizante que causa muerte y desesperanza a grupos cada vez más amplios de seres humanos y que, enfrenta/destruye la construcción de sujetos. Como respuesta, se impone una mirada crítica, una mirada ética y esfuerzos de diálogo multidisciplinario. En tal sentido se viene desarrollando una investigación de la que se comparten avances en este texto. La primera parte recoge (...)
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    Van buren riverfront metamorphosis: The development of space.Juana Gregory - 2003 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 4.
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  49. The Politics of Sustainable Agriculture.Death ofRamon Gonzales - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (4).
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    Fuller's Social Epistemology and Epistemic Agency.Francis Remedios & Val Dusek - 2016 - In Patrick J. Reider (ed.), Social Epistemology and Epistemic Agency: Decentralizing Epistemic Agency. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 61-74.
    An analysis of Steve Fuller’s social epistemology and epistemic agency.
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